Actually I am a Christian, and indeed a Roman Catholic, so that I do not expect “history” to be anything but a “long defeat”—though it contains… some samples or glimpses of final victory. – J.R.R. Tolkien

-Classical/Augustinian Christian— Reformed Catholic with doctrinal/historical sympathies in Anglicanism; Amillennial in the theme of historical development. Perpetually unsettled by Modernist Evangelicalism.

-American Paleoconservative; influenced heavily by the Counter Neo-Conservative front waged by Chronicles Magazine, Paul Gottfried, Sam Francis, Mel Bradford, during the Reagan and Bush years. Currently writing a biography of, and editing a festschrift for, Paul Gottfried.

-Reactionary/Traditionalist Rightist; lover of Old Europe and its history, sentimentally and instinctually a Southern-style, regionalist American.

-Agrarian/Distributist critic of modernity’s predominant political systems: industrial/financial capitalism and communism

-Fascinated by historical revisionism, especially in the 20th century.

A Few Influences

St. Augustine

Richard Hooker

Roger Scruton

Paul Gottfried

Eric Voegelin

Sam Francis

Carl Schmitt

Christopher Dawson

Oswald Spengler

David Irving

Herbert Butterfield

Mel Bradford

Russell Kirk

Robert Nisbet

Thomas Carlyle

Richard Weaver

The Southern Agrarians

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